Merchant checklist

Create your account

Remember that credentials for the test and production accounts are different!

Starting the test

Build your integration

Starting the test

You can find the credentials by logging into the platform at, accessing your store, and then navigating to „Store Settings”. 

Test your integration

How to make successful payment?
1. Creating a request.
2. Generating signature.
Important: Go through all the signature generation instruction points carefully, paying attention to whether the data declared in the request differs from that in the text before hashing, remembering to preserve all characters. 
3. Configure IPN.
4. Test payment. 
Important: To set up payment ZEN, you should POST to this ZEN test URL
5. Check payment on panel.
1. Creating transaction. 
To create transaction you have to POST to this ZEN test URL
Important: In the request, there are data such as „paymentChannel” and „type”, the values of which you can check at this address
We need to remember to add in headers the API Key (from credentials) and Content-Type: application/json
2. Configure IPN. 
3. Check payment on panel.
Configure integration on production environment 

Check on your zen account ( you have all required payment methods are visible, and you can click to activate them.
Follow our integration documentation to have the opportunity to process payments and repeat the steps from the test environment with the corresponding URL address as listed in our documentation.

For API integration;  

You are ready to operate and use the ZEN gateway correctly.

Integration type>>

3DS more information>>

Transaction Type >>